JOIN US SUNDAY Services at 9:30 and 11:00am! WATCH HERE


The place to explore faith, meaning and life.

Are you looking for Answers? Alpha is an opportunity for you to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere. Everyone is welcome regardless of background or belief.

Alpha is a series of talks exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation.

MAC will be offering Alpha this fall with the following options:

Tuesdays at 6pm in private home in Penetang - Meal Provided

Wednesdays at 6pm at MAC - Meal provided

Friday at 6:30pm at the Hope Centre in Midland - Desserts and warm drinks provided


Alpha Film Series Trailer

Why Alpha?

An Alpha Story from MAC

Doug and Sue's Experience with Alpha Online

Meet Our Alpha Leaders

Gord and Carol Patton have been attending MAC since 2019 and have a passion for helping people explore life's biggest questions!


If you have further questions concerning Alpha at MAC, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!