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New to MAC?

You might be wondering, what's it really like at MAC? Our motto is this: Growing in faith and life. We believe that all of us have room to grow: spiritually, emotionally, and in our relationships. Jesus said he came to offer everyone "abundant life." We exist because we believe that everyone reaches their full potential by following Jesus.

That's why we're all about three things: embracing everyone, engaging people to grow, and equipping them to make a difference. At MAC, everyone is welcome, regardless of age, background, lifestyle, religious affiliation or belief system. From there we want to help people get plugged in, so they can grow in their faith journey. That could look like plugging into a life group or a ministry program. Finally, we are passionate about raising up leaders who are going to be positive difference makers in our community.

At MAC, we care about community. We regularly support local charities that are working to meet the needs of those in our area. We celebrate first time guests by pledging a donation on your behalf! Simply fill out the short form below and we will send you an email with a choice of local charities.

NOTE: We value your privacy and would never spam you