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MAC Women

A place for women to have fun, connect and grow together.


Our Women's Ministry is here to help women get connected and grow in faith and life together. Various events are held throughout the year, including retreats, dinners, and even a shopping trip!

Wanda Burdett is the leader of Women's ministry at MAC and can be reached directly at [email protected]

Secret Sister 2023-2024

The Secret Sister program has been taking place at Midland Alliance Church for more than ten years! This program pairs women as "sisters" for a year.

Secret Sisters support one another in prayer. It is wonderful to have someone that prays for you and is there to send you an encouraging note from time to time. At the end of the program year at a Christmas Pot Luck Supper we will reveal our sisters·.


•!• Pray for your sister. and her needs and her family's needs as

•!• Keep it a secret! Don't let anyone know whom you have. Leave your cards or notes when no one is around or have

someone else deliver them.

•!• Purchased gift giving should be kept to a minimum. Food gifts, candy and homemade goodies are suggested.

•!• Make sure you contact your sister by means of a note or card during the year to encourage her.

•!• Please include a picture of yourself so that your Secret Sister can identify you.

You can be the instrument that God has placed in this person's life to give them the encouragement they need right when they need it. Praying for your sister will strengthen you and the rewards can be immeasurable.

Please return your form to Wanda Burdett's mailbox in the foyer or to the church office. (Phone 705 549 6122 or email [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns).

MAC Groups for Women
